Monday, November 9, 2009

Leo Warning Letters and Project Cards!

Greetings again fellow LEO's!

Regarding the matter above, as I have mentioned in the previous meeting that many of ya'll DID NOT ATTEND, we are taking the WARNING LETTER system very serious from now on.

Everytime you do not attend a MEETING without any reason or LETTER OF ABSENTEE signed by your parents, you will be given a WARNING LETTER.

Therefore, to ALL the LEO's out there that did not attend last Friday's meeting (6/11/2009), you will need to hand in a letter of absentee to Pn Low Kim Hong (teacher advisor) before this Friday(13/11/2009). Otherwise, you might just find another warning letter heading your way.

Besides that, Project Cards will also be COLLECTED by this Friday(13/11/2009). So fellow LEO's out there, please hand in your cards to Jaishree (4Sc2) or you can put it in the small compartment on the LEO board in school. Well, LEO's please get all the necessary signatures and hand it in, or else, once again you might be faced with another Warning Letter.

I am sorry that I have to be hard on you all, but we need your full cooperation in order for the club to be SUCCESSFUL!

Thank you Leo's!

yours in leo-ism,
President 09/10

P/s :
you need a minumum of 10 projects to be in your project card from July till Mid-November :)

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