Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Muchas Gracias

     On the 14th of January 2016, the Leo Club of SMK Assunta had organised a project called “Muchas Gracias” in conjunction with the “School Service Month”, an initiative to serve the school, our second home. 6 Leos were involved in this project aimed to show our sincere appreciation to our dedicated workers in the school such as the gardeners, cleaners, canteen workers, and security guards by giving them sweets. The project’s name is a Spanish phrase which translates to “many thanks”.
     We had remained in school after the final bell to give the sweets to the workers. The workers were delighted to receive the simple gift and thanked us heartily. We were happy to see how a simple act of kindness could make someone’s day and at the same time, show the person that they are appreciated. These unsung heroes are doing so much for our school but we, the students, have never actually taken the time to thank them for it.
     Overall, the project was a success. Although it was a simple gift, the smile on their faces lit up our hearts. Truly, they are the school’s superheroes in disguise. Without them, our school would be filthy, unguarded, and with no food prepared for us during recess and after each school session ends. Although we do not communicate with them as much as with a teacher, a simple act of thanking them when they serve our food or even smiling at them whenever we see them would suffice. Together, let’s appreciate our workers every day of our school lives. 

Report by,
Leo Jaimie Richards.

Photos taken during the project,

A Leo passing a pack of sweets to a school worker.
A Leo passing a pack of sweets to a stall seller.
One of the "aunties" selling food at the canteen posing with the packet of sweets.

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