Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Joint Earth Hour Gathering 2012 : I Will. Will You?

          On the 31st of March 2012, The Leo Club of Assunta, Damansara Jaya, Taman SEA, Taman Petaling and Petaling Jaya Integrity organised a joint project called ‘Earth Hour Gathering 2012: I Will. Will You? Which was held at Assunta Secondary School. The objective of this event is to raise awareness amongst the Leos about the importance of preserving mother nature’s resources.
The committee arrived earlier to set up and prepare all the things that were needed for the night. Some of the things that needed to be done were the packing of the goodie bags, separation of T-shirts according to the Leo Clubs and many more. A full run through of the event was done to ensure a smooth flow.

          At 5.30 p.m, Leos from other schools began to arrive. They registered at the main gate where the registration counter was. After signing in, each Leo member was given a Taylors or Sunway College goodie bag which contained a T-shirt, wristband, glowstick, fruit juice, badge and a few pamphlets. From there, everyone was guided to the canteen where dinner was served.

      After dinner, the Leos gathered at the field to settle down, as the event was about to begin. At exactly 7.45 p.m, the event was started off with a mindblowing opening act where the banner was revealed to the audience. Soon after that, the Organising Chairperson, Leo Desiree Tan was called to the podium to give her welcoming speech followed by Lion Ivan and Assunta’s headmistress, Puan Rita Shantini’s speech.

          To officiate the event, a representative from each Leo Club and all the VIP’s were invited to light up the official Earth Hour logo at the centre of the field. Once that was done, two videos were projected on the self made screen. One was done by our very own Leos and the other was the Official Earth Hour 2012 video done by the World Wildlife Fund.

          A warm up session was conducted by Leo Amanda Loh to make sure no one gets cramps during the candle walk. When it was over, it was time for the countdown to Earth Hour. At 8.30 p.m, all the lights were turned off in the school compound. To begin the candle walk, the flame was passed down to all the Leos. The candle walk lasted for about 20 minutes.

         When it was over, a few performances and lucky draw sessions took place. To close the event, a closing speech was given by Pn.Rita Shantini, the headmistress of Assunta to thank everyone that was present. All the funds collected during the event will be given to WWF to save earths natural resources. The event ended at 10.15 p.m. It was a huge success thanks to all who were present and the dedication, hardwork and commitment of the committee members.

Report by,
Leo Krystle Tan and Leo Desiree Tan

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